Níon's Noises! (Vol. II)
Greetings to anyone who manages to stumble across this blog. I hope I can make it worth your while. Here's what I've been listening to lately.
OK GO – Let it Rain
One of their lesser known songs, perhaps because it doesn't have a cool music video to go with it. This song hits a lot of my buttons. From the weird time signature, to the rhythmic, nonsensical lyrics, to the general melancholic atmosphere. It deserves more attention.
Ella Fitzgerald & Louis Armstrong – Summertime
An old jazz standard that's been on my mind due to the heatwave we've been experiencing lately. I particularly love this version due to glorious trumpet intro by the great Louis Armstrong.
Platero y tú – Voy a Acabar Borracho
A band I discovered due to my interest in spanish culture. These guys rock just as hard as AC/DC or Guns & Roses.
The Smashing Pumpkins – Mayonnaise
On the subject of songs with beautiful, melancholic feels, Smashing Pumpkins are pretty much the master of this.
The Rolling Stones – Brown Sugar